Frequently Asked Questions | MindMaster Affirmation Audio
Frequently Asked Questions | MindMaster Affirmation Audio
Frequently Answered Questions
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MindMaster helps you achieve your desired goals by flashing affirmative messages and images on your computer screen while you work or play. These affirmations flash by so quickly that you barely even register them. (If you did, your natural skepticism could reduce their effect!) But your subconscious mind absorbs them uncritically. This is the power of subliminal messaging. Our affirmations can help you achieve your specific goals, whether it's improving concentration, overcoming bad habits, increasing confidence, losing weight, tapping into your latent creativity, or any of dozens of other categories. And when you're not using your computer, these affirmations and images become a beautiful screensaver to further augment your desired results.
Absolutely! In fact, this technique is so powerful; the US Government
banned its use in television advertising decades ago! Dozens of
scientific papers have been written demonstrating the effectiveness of
subliminal messaging. To see those papers for yourself, go to Scientific Studies.
The subconscious mind is the hidden spring of your life's programming. Most of us acquire this programming without awareness or choice. For example, as a child, you see a movie portraying the wealthy as evil and corrupt. This attitude lodges deep in your subconscious--possibly even sabotaging your attempts to acquire wealth! Mindmaster can alter those subconscious beliefs so they no longer stop you from achieving your goals.
This is one of the most powerful parts of the program. A picture is worth a thousand words! And the subconscious absolutely loves to think in pictures. You dream in pictures. As children, we formed images before we learned to read. This is why intuitive individuals get "image flashes." These come from the well of the subconscious. For the most effective and rapid achievement of your goals, we recommend you add one or more images to your affirmation category set. Please see our Live Demo.
This depends on two factors:
1) The desire of an individual to achieve change, and
2) The type of subliminal program selected. Some goals are more easily achieved than others!
Say you want to remember your dreams. You might achieve results the very first night. However, if you have no real desire but are merely curious, results will materialize more slowly. This technique is not a toy: it's powerful. We recommend you work on your top 3 desired areas for one month. You'll see for yourself how quickly
results start to manifest.
Generally No: Mindmaster has been developed using state-of-the-art technology and experienced Silicon Valley, programming teams. All programmers have at least a Master s Degree in software design. They work with the latest high-speed, low-resource-demand technology. Unless you're running multiple programs you won' t notice a difference.
We recommend you choose the top three areas in your life you wish to alter or improve. Focus on those most important to you. Give the program 30 days, and you'll see significant results. But even if there's only one particular area you want to affect, we've found that three categories can be the most effective way to proceed. Many users find they can sustain their main goal by adding complementary affirmations such as Exercise and Positive Mindset to support Weight Loss; Confidence and a Positive Mindset to support Business Success. In my own case, I used to suffer for a week or more from annual bouts of lower back pain. But with Mindmaster, I combine Healthy Back with Faith and Exercise, and my back is pain-free in just three days.
It's not rocket science. There are only a couple of principals to bear in mind. For best results, keep affirmations approximately 10 words or less. Affirmations are positive statements and should be phrased accordingly: " I love being able to breathe freely," not "I will not smoke in the future" Words like "no," "not," and "never," are to be avoided. Instead of the negative, "I am not fat," phrase it positively: "I am fit and trim!"
Our Affirmation Vault contains thousands of positive affirmations in every imaginable category and is updated weekly. If you still can't find what you re looking for, you can either create your own or email us, and if it is a request, we think others will also benefit from, we'll create it for you FREE and add the category to the vault.
YYes: "You" comes from a third party. So instead of an affirmation that says "I am successful," we'll sometimes use one that says "You are successful." The mind accepts this as positive feedback from a third person, in this case, a Hypnotherapist. In most cases, we use "I" instead of "You." But for variety and for the power of 3rd Person authority, we use "you" in approximately one out of eight affirmations.
Yes, many people do notice a subtle shift in their mindset. As your goals and subconscious beliefs start to align, you'll notice a change for the good that comes over you. A feeling of positivity, of achievement, of confidence that all things are possible.
Yes, much better, and you'll save money since you will not have to buy specific tapes or CDs! In fact, it was because we were so unsatisfied with preprogrammed recordings that we developed Mindmaster. It puts you in complete control of the goals you want to achieve. Subliminal tapes are generic--not tailored to your precise needs and goals. You have set aside a specific time to use them, and then after hours of listening, you may only receive a few affirmations that relate to your intended goals.
With Mindmaster, you know exactly what you are getting--because you choose the goals and the affirmations that lead to those goals. Mindmaster works while you do what you'd be doing anyway: surfing the web, paying your bills online, playing video games, writing your thesis, your novel, or your business plan!
Yes: Mindmaster comes with a 60-day 110% money-back guarantee. If you're not blown away by the powers you unleash in yourself--if you haven't bragged about it to friends and family--if you haven't urged those you care about to give it a try for themselves, just write us a note, and we'll refund every dime, plus give you an additional 10% gift—no ifs, ands, buts or maybes--no questions asked.
Mindmaster will run on MACs and PCs with Windows 2000 or higher (Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8).
Have MP3 Questions?
We have the answers
A subliminal message is a hidden message embedded in another signal, designed to pass below the normal limits of human perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind. Still, scientific studies show they can affect the subconscious mind and can negatively or positively influence subsequent later thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems, and value systems.
YES Absolutely! In fact, this technique is so powerful; the US, British, Canadian, and Australian Governments banned its use in television advertising decades ago! Dozens of scientific papers have been written demonstrating the effectiveness of subliminal messaging. To see those papers for yourself, go to Scientific Studies.
We now live in the era of iPods and MP3 players. An MP3 is the most used format today for music files. In addition, an MP3 allows you to keep the file size as low as possible without losing quality. It allows you to download the recording instantly after purchase and immediately experience the benefits. This allows us to pass on lower costs to our wonderful customers.
Yes: please either Google results on how to accomplish this or click here or read these instructions
Yes, many people do notice a subtle shift in their mindset. As your goals and subconscious beliefs start to align, you'll notice a change for the good that comes over you. A feeling of positivity, of achievement, of confidence that all things are possible. You may also occasionally hear light whispers of the affirmations in the background.
We only sell a downloadable version to keep costs low. Each file is approximately 40 MB, so with a dial-up connection, it should take you 45 mins to download. Other connections are much faster.
Each MP3 is 45 minutes in length and uses the delivery techniques below.
We use four audio techniques :
Pure Subliminals
The MP3 is embedded with barely audible messages, delivering powerful, positive affirmations directly to your subconscious mind using the latest audio technology. These subliminals are custom-made and cannot be found anywhere else.
Please note that it is likely that you won’t hear the actual affirmations sounds themselves, you might listen to a whisper, but this is how subliminal messages work. Your conscious mind will not hear or understand the affirmations, but the subconscious takes these commands and uses them to update your deepest thought patterns and literally "reprogram" your mind with positive, new behaviors.
Reverse Messages
These are basically the original affirmations reversed at low volume. The conscious mind cannot comprehend these messages, while the subconscious can interpret the messages instantly.
These affirmations may be a little more audible than the pure subliminals. Even if the conscious mind hears them, it cannot comprehend the messages.
These are affirmations speeded up so that the conscious mind will not understand them. However, the subconscious will have no difficulty.
Binaural Beats
The recordings also use a subtle binaural beats track as background music to help the brainwaves to relax and open your mind to the positive affirmations it is receiving.
Binaural beats work by sending two slightly different tones to each ear. The frequency difference between the tones is created inside the head as a binaural beat. The binaural beats take the mind into a relaxed and receptive state at the 7.5 Hz frequencies, which has experienced great success for subliminal programming.
We use more than 10 different background music for the recordings so they don’t all sound the same.
Background music includes ocean waves, country picnic, the eye of the storm, campsite fire, exotic jungle, ocean night, tranquil waterfall, and nature's woodland.
Embedded in the relaxing background music, a subtle binaural beat track is included, as described above.
Unfortunately, you cannot pick the background music for your MP3.
Each MP3 is approximately 40 MB and will take 45 mins to download if you are using a dial up connection. Other connections are much faster.
This depends on two factors:
1) the desire of an individual to achieve change, and
2) the type of subliminal program selected. Some goals are more easily achieved than others!
Say you want to remember your dreams. You might achieve results the very first night. However, if you have no real desire but are merely curious, results will materialize more slowly. This technique is not a toy: it's powerful. We recommend you work on your top 3 desired areas for one month. You'll see for yourself how quickly results start to manifest.
Subliminal messages are hidden and are more easily used, and require less effort than hypnosis. Hypnosis usually requires a conscious effort by the user to follow verbal instructions. Both hypnosis and subliminals are intended to deliver messages to the subconscious mind in order to bring about changes in thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems, and value systems.
Yes: please either Google results on how to accomplish this or click here or follow the directions below:
1) Download the MP3 file to your PC. We suggest you download the file into the "My Music" folder on your PC so it is easy to find.
2) Next, open iTunes and make sure "Music" is highlighted under "Library." Go to the top and select "File." From the drop-down list, select "Import." Import the MP3 file from the "My Music" folder or from whichever folder you downloaded the file to on your PC.
3) Once the file is copied into your iTunes music library, you can add the MP3 to an existing playlist or create a new playlist for subliminal files. To add the MP3 to a playlist, highlight the MP3 file in the music library, right-click, and select Add to playlist.
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3 FREE MP3 Subliminal Download
Both MindMaster ordering options include FREE gifts and 30 FREE success e-Books Including: "7 Keys to Success" and "Memory Power"
Image Vault
With Google Images, you can literally search millions of images in every conceivable category. Below we have listed some of the categories for you. Click on the thumbnail pictures to be taken to the corresponding images. You can copy the images by right clicking on them and pasting them into the program (images may be subject to copyright laws).
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